The brands we trust

Solar panels

All our solar panels meet the Solar Panel Validation (SPV) initiative standards set by the Australian government.

Jinko Tiger N-Type

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Jinko Tiger (all black)

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QCells Q.Peak G9

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QCells Q.Maxx G3

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Hyundai VG

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Hyundai UF

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Sumec Phono Diamond Dual Glass

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Trina Vertex S

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Risen Jaeger Plus

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Risen Titan S

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Solar inverters

Solar inverters convert the energy captured by your solar panels, and turn it into electricity to power your home or business.

Sungrow Single Phase

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Alpha ESS – Inverters

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Fronius Symo GEN24

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Fimer UNO

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Fronius Symo M

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Fronius Primo

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GoodWe Inverter

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Sungrow Three Phase

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Sungrow Three Phase Hybrid

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Sungrow Hybrid

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Solar batteries

When someone decides to switch to a solar-powered lifestyle, they often only install solar panels. Solar batteries allow you to store the excess electricity your system has produced and use it to power your home or business after dark – allowing you to reduce your reliance on the power grid even further.

Tesla Powerwall 2

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Sungrow SBR

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SolarEdge Energy Hub

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BYD B-Box Premium

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Alpha ESS – Smile T10 3 Phase

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Alpha ESS – SMILE5

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